A variation of the Hermès scarf `Lettres d'Erevan` first edited in 2015 by `Karen Petrossian`
Source of the picture: archive.org

Lettres d'Erevan

Shawls and Scarves 140 / classic


Designed by Karen Petrossian

First edition in 2015

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Hermes cashmere and silk shawl, 55" x 55" (70% cashmere, 30% silk) Color : bright pink/purple/red

In the year 405 CE, Mesrop Machtots – learned monk and visionary – invented the Armenian alphabet. The first words he wrote were a quotation attributed to King Solomon: ‘To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding…’ This scarf is also a tribute to the vast library of Erevan, the Matenadaran, an extraordinary monument to the power of knowledge. Often compared to the great library of Alexandria, the collection enjoys UNESCO World Heritage status today. It includes some of Christianity’s finest and most ancient books and manuscripts. Designer Karen Petrossian has covered the surface of this scarf with illuminated letters from the Armenian alphabet, whose calligraphy and miniatures, drawn from the pages of manuscripts preserved at the famous library, are considered among the masterpieces of medieval art. For the second time, Hermès extends a silken bridge between two cultures, with a limited edition scarf supporting the cultural and humanitarian work of the SPFA (Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie).

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