A variation of the Hermès scarf `Quadrige costumé` first edited in 2016 by `Pierre Péron`, `Natsuno Hidaka`, `Anamorphèe`
Source of the picture: hermes.com

Quadrige costumé

Scarves 70 / classic



Designed by Anamorphèe , Natsuno Hidaka , Pierre Péron

First edition in 2016

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A quadrige, or quadriga, is an ancient four-horse, two-wheel chariot usually used for racing. By analogy, “quadriga” also refers to a sculpture representing a quadriga. Famous quadriga sculptures include those at the Grand Palais in Paris, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and the one on the Parthenon frieze at the Acropolis Museum. A new version of a scarf from the 70s, “Quadrige” is an exercise in style that plays on interweaving four horse heads and harnesses, like the pieces of a puzzle. Its extremely stylised pattern, graphic look with large full-tone areas, uninterrupted line outlining the horses’ manes, and braided cords around the edge all come together to give the scarf a very fashionable seventies feel.

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